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Getting ENV's

  1. Create a Twitter Developer Account.

  2. Go to Developer Portal/Dashboard.
  3. Create a Application and fill the details Asked !
  4. Change the App Setting to Read + Write.
  5. Go to Keys and Token Tab.
  6. Click on Generate Bearer Token, Fill its value in BEARER_TOKEN
  7. Go to
    • Login with Your Account.
    • Go to API Development tools Tab
    • Create A Telegram APP.
    • You will Get Your API_ID and API_HASH

  8. Go to BotFather
    • Create a Bot and you will get Bot Token.
    • Fill it as BOT_TOKEN
  9. and Done !
  • Clone the Github Repo.
    git clone
    cd TgTwitterStreamer
  • Install Requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start The Bot
    python -m TgTwitterStreamer